2022 Tech Review

Many of us look forward to January 1 as a fresh start. But before we get to hit that refresh button, it’s a good idea to look back too. No, we’re not saying you need to go sit by a waterfall and meditate on your IT infrastructure, but there are benefits to doing a year-end tech review.

What is a tech review?

In a tech review, you can accomplish several key things. First, you can gain a clear picture of what the IT infrastructure looks like. After all, technology is always evolving. You can determine what assets you have and how employees are using them. You’ll also revisit your tech spending and whether it’s achieving business outcomes.

A tech review also gives IT staff a chance to clarify roles and responsibilities, as well as mission.

Doing this at year’s end is common because many businesses slow down around the holidays. This means your team can focus more on the tasks of a thorough and effective tech review.

You may have a budget you’re looking to use by the end of the fourth quarter. With a tech review in hand, you can make sure you spend money on technology that will make a real impact.

A tech review, done at any time of year, also offers you the ability to:

  • improve productivity;
  • mitigate risk;
  • streamline workflow;
  • update and upgrade;
  • enhance employee engagement.

Steps for your tech review

There are many steps to take in an effective annual review of your technology. Read the main ones here.

Perform an IT inventory

Make sure you know all your tech assets and where they are in their lifecycle. This is a good time to identify current hardware and software in need of upgrade or replacement. Then, you can plan ahead and avoid security risks or unplanned downtime.

Review your IT outcomes

You should be spending on IT to achieve certain business goals. Now’s the time to consider whether your technology is doing what you wanted it to do. A Harvard Business Review study found that 77% of respondents see an IT strategy–implementation gap. So, at least you’re not alone in needing to ensure your tech initiative aligns with business outcomes.

Update tech guidelines

You probably have policies in place governing how your IT is used. Revisit these annually to ensure you are keeping up with the way your tech is evolving. For example, if your people are remote more often, make sure your guidelines match those tech deployments.

Survey employees

Ask the people who are using your technology not only about what they are using but also how they are using it. This can help you identify areas to improve, upgrade, or automate. Or you might find out people are using software that IT didn’t vet first!

Good questions to ask include:

  • What applications do you use most often?
  • What applications do you resist using?
  • Which technology tools can’t you do without?
  • Which technology do you wish our company had, and why?
  • Do you do any manual, repetitive processes?

Explore cybersecurity

You can ask employees whether they have experienced a cybersecurity threat this year. But you’ll also want to review your data to see if there are any indications of cyberattacks. Also, examine and revise your firewall settings to make sure they are as current as can be.

It’s also useful to have a third-party IT professional perform a vulnerability scan. A penetration test is a more involved way to identify weaknesses you might consider.

Review your findings and prioritize new technology

Drawing on the input you’ve received and the data you’ve gathered, decide what actions to take. You might want to replace redundant software or some with poor user experience. Or you may need to invest in hardware such as computers or servers. You could also find opportunities to automate manual tasks to boost your productivity.

Even if you have the budget for it, avoid making all your changes at once; it can be too overwhelming. Don’t expect your team to automate a process while also transitioning to new hardware. Bring your decision-makers together to decide on priorities and plan purchases and rollouts.

We review for you

Don’t have the resources or know-how to do a year-end technology evaluation? Contact us here for help.

Budgeting for IT in 2023

As the year comes to a close, you have to write the IT budget and spending benchmarks. You must understand the current IT infrastructure and forecast technology needs. This article shares three key areas to improve forecasting and maybe save budget too.

#1 Unexpected IT expenses

First, it helps to identify where you are blowing your IT budget. Often IT budget inaccuracies can be traced back to unexpected tech expenses. Repairs, replacements, and unanticipated upgrades can all throw your budget out of whack. Unfortunately, emergency repairs and last-minute technology improvements are the most costly.

But without a crystal ball, you can’t predict what’s going to happen, right? Still, you can make a plan that allows you to avoid wasting money on the break-fix model. Partnering with a managed service provider (MSP), you will typically pay a set monthly fee. Then, if something does go wrong, you have IT experts at the ready to address the issue.

Plus, a good MSP will work to determine the expected life cycles of your tech assets. That way, you can anticipate hardware or software upgrades and budget accordingly. Further, your MSP should work proactively to prevent unexpected downtime. They can help protect you from cyberattacks and keep software and hardware updated and patched.

#2 Bloated IT infrastructure

Overlapping and wasted resources are another big IT budget drain. You could be paying for many devices that do the same thing, or you may be continuing to license software that your team no longer uses. Or it may be software that everyone uses, and you could be getting a much better deal. You might also be paying for tech you haven’t upgraded, so you aren’t getting the full return on your investment.

An MSP can help identify these kinds of issues. Bringing in an IT expert provides an objective view of your infrastructure. They can suggest performance improvements and streamline processes. They may also suggest subscriptions or other packages that can help you save funds.

#3 IT and business misalignment

The plan is always to build a budget for an IT strategy that helps achieve business goals. Yep, doing so depends on your tech know-how and good communication.

Further, tech-business alignment has grown more difficult as infrastructure has changed, plus, the workforce is now more distributed. The business could have on-premises technology as well as cloud-based software. Employees could be bringing in their own devices and/or working remotely. As a result, business tech needs to be doing more. Plus, it needs to keep up with rapid evolutions and cybersecurity threats.

Yet investing in IT-business alignment improves budgets, and benefits workers and customers. Potential advantages include:

  • reduced digital friction;
  • improved user experience;
  • greater customer engagement;
  • cutting costs;
  • improving productivity;
  • gaining visibility of business processes;
  • faster delivery times and speed to market;
  • growing your competitive advantage;
  • driving innovation.

Work with an MSP to bridge business acumen and IT expertise. Then, you can better calculate the financial impacts (costs and ROIs) of your IT plan.

Need help understanding IT budget pitfalls and spending benchmarks? We can help plan for tech spending supporting your business objectives going forward. Contact us here.