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What is Microsoft Loop?

Microsoft Loop is described as a co-creation experience that brings together teams, content, and tasks across your tools and devices. It is essentially a virtual workspace where teams can collaborate
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@Computer website blog images (700 × 420 px) (700 × 420 px) (32)

How MSPs Support Employee Effectiveness

Employee effectiveness is key to business success. When your people can do the right things well, you’ll see improved results. That leads to the question: How can businesses improve employee
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@Computer website blog images (700 × 420 px) (700 × 420 px)

Four strategies to reduce data sprawl

The advent of modern data has offered many advantages, yet all that data also presents a formidable challenge: data sprawl. When you lose control of your data, you risk compromising
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@Computer website blog images (700 × 420 px) (700 × 420 px) (15)

Behind the scenes Security!

This month, our new high level Cyber Security provided by Huntress detected a log in for one of our local clients from Kenya with multiple attempts made to login. Immediately
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@Computer website blog images (700 × 420 px) (700 × 420 px) (13)

Top questions to ask a Managed Service Provider

You can’t just swipe right or left when looking for a managed service provider match. Identifying the IT partner that will be best for your business takes time. This guide
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@Computer website blog images (700 × 420 px) (700 × 420 px) (12)

Microsoft Bookings with me

Microsoft Bookings is a scheduling tool that allows businesses to manage and accept appointments from customers. It helps customers to schedule appointments, and businesses to manage their schedules, manage appointments
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@Computer website blog images (700 × 420 px) (700 × 420 px) (7)

Balancing Security

Cyber Security is one of the key focuses for all of our clients businesses. Sometimes it may seem like there’s some new malware or data leak or hacker exploit revelation
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@Computer website blog images (700 × 420 px) (700 × 420 px) (6)

Is that Managed Service Provider deal really a good one?

When you are looking at Managed Service Providers (MSPs), cost is part of the decision, but by no means the most important one to consider. Whilst saving money is always
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@Computer website blog images (700 × 420 px) (700 × 420 px) (3)

Beware of what you share with share with AI Chatbots

Firstly, the advantages of AI Chatbots AI chatbots can offer several benefits to businesses, as the technology can help you automate and expedite many business tasks, but be cautious about
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Evolving Cyber Security

Cyber Security remains one of the top concerns for businesses in todays world. We are excited to announce that we have teamed up with Huntress for Cyber Security, replacing ESET.
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